Rosie Welburn

 UNIT 1  Coversheet feedback, final grade and comments


1.1 Select traditional materials, tools and equipment to explore a technique or idea


1.2 Select non-traditional materials, tools and equipment to explore a technique or idea


1.3 Record initial ideas on the potential use of traditional and non-traditional materials, tools and equipment


Children's storybook illustration task 

Non traditional - Origami


Mixed media (unit 1 trad / non trad but also included in unit 5 evidence mixed media to support second mixed media piece.)

researched examples of autumn and halloween matchbox art


Plans for own ideas ands final piece 

2.1 Prepare basic materials to experiment with techniques and ideas

2.2 Use traditional and non-traditional techniques to make experimental pieces

2.3 Describe the qualities of the materials, tools and techniques used to make the experimental

Research ideas 

Painted Pripyat landscape

3.1 Describe visual qualities of the experimental pieces produced

3.2 Experiment with methods used to further develop experimental pieces

3.3 Discuss the visual qualities of the experimental pieces

3.4 List any applicable health and safety factors and regulations

Evaluation is under developed but there is some evidence of the AOs and Rosie has returned to idea one to complete the full background which was initially left bare around the tress, adding this final touch has enhanced the work further

3.4 H&S

Pass awarded as the work produced does show an ability to experiment with art and design techniques to produce pieces of work. Variation of tasks developed, researched, reviewed experimenting with traditional and some non traditional tools, techniques and methods.  .Rosie has experienced hig absence due to covid anxiety all year and has really pushed herself to complete as much work as possible to achieve the unit. 


Coversheet with feedback, final assessment and comments

Mixed Media research and planning for Russian band album cover

1.1 Identify and use formal elements of design 

1.2 Develop ideas from primary and secondary sources

Research into artists mixed media work used by the band already.
In addition to this Rosie study videos by the band for design and mixed media ideas. Discussing with me choices they make in art design and why she likes them.

1.3 Develop ideas using appropriate visual language 

1.4 Present ideas for chosen mixed media work 

1.5 Discuss ideas and opinions to gain feedback from others 

1.3 ideas belo1.4 see coversheet tutor comments

1.5 see coversheet tutor comments

Developing ideas for album art

2.2 Produce work to a mixed media design brief 

2.3 Present final work for a mixed media design brief 

Final piece
Mixed media - paper, type, pencils, fine-liner, tea

3.1 Make suggestions to develop or improve work 
2.4 Identify risks and hazards in the work area
Evaluation of work explores mixed media choices, research and ideas and some feedback and simple ideas about working safely and AFIs. 

3.2 Contribute to formal discussions of ideas and opinions
See coversheet for tutor evidence of one to one discussion on return to college.

  • There are clear ideas that have devleoped into an effective, purposeful final piece of mixed media album cover art for a chosen Russian band.
  • Rosie has demonstrated research and visual elements awareness.
  • Not all work is recorded as well as it could be and this is constantly being discussed with Rosie to encourage developing this area of her work.  The evaluation shows some evidence of this but still lacks precision at times.
  • That said, I am satisfied that for level 1 , this, along with the matchbox art project displayed in unit 1 evidence is adequate to pass criteria for unit 5.

Unit 3 2-D Art - Project brief - 
Dreams & Nightmares

Coversheet - tutor feedback, final comments and assessment

Completed at home in lockdown with no Teams engagement at all so progress was limited but enough was completed to meet the criteria

Planning and research moodboard of initial ideas liked to the topic

1.1 Identify and use formal elements of design 

1.2 Develop ideas from primary and secondary sources 

1.3 Develop ideas using appropriate visual language 

Artist research linked to this theme - visual elements and ideas

Own ideas for dreams and nightmares

1.4 Present ideas for chosen 2D work 

1.5 Discuss ideas and opinions to gain feedback from others

Due to lockdown and IT issues in email correspondence we discussed Rosie's ideas and how to develop them.  She opted to developed the tree worked piece.
Witness statement:

2.1 Plan work using 2D techniques

2.2 Produce work to a 2D design brief 

2.3 Present final work for a 2D design brief

idea 3 alongside final piece - development of idea 3 additional details and background added.

Final piece in sketchbook due to lockdown and lack of materials at home.

Evaluation of work
Simplistic account of how work was produced and choices made.

Rosie did not return after lockdown and so missed the group discussions but discussed her work with me see above witness statement 

Developed evidence for 1.4, 1.5,2.1, 2.4.

2.4 Identify risks

PASS (Tutor REH)
I am satisfied that there is sufficient evidence of assessment objectives to pass the unit - despite some parts being minimal but due to extreme situation of lockdown it is unfair to disadvantage Rosie.  

Unit 2
Covid 19 inspired art work

1.1 Develop ideas from primary and secondary sources using appropriate visual language 

Research covid art

idea 1

idea 2

idea 3 final

1.2 Communicate ideas to others

Final idea
2.2 Use appropriate visual language to communicate ideas within the final piece of work

2.3 Produce a final piece of work in response to the project brief

2.4 Present final work to others

Evaluation and discussion with tutor shows evidence of all following AOS for this unit. 
1.2 Communicate ideas to others

2.1 Plan final work in response to the project brief

3.1 Make suggestions to develop or improve work

3.2 Respond appropriately to other’s point of view about own work

See witness statement for unit 3 also 

FINAL COMMENTS:  R Horner tutor
Rosie has caught up with the work and produced evidence that meets the criteria and based on extraordinary circumstances I feel there is enough evidence to pass this unit and therefore the course.  


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