UNIT 1 Experiment with art and design ideas and techniques
Unit 1 evidence of work
UNIT WORK: Students have experimented with traditional / non traditional art and developed skills in formal elements, materials, tools, resources, techniques including printmaking, clay sculpting, painting, drawing, digital art. They have completed 2 briefs - matchbox art and landscape art (covering realism, abstract, Digital, pattern.)
1.1 Select traditional tools, materials, equipment to explore a technique or idea
1.2 Select non-traditional tools, materials, equipment to explore a technique or idea
2.1 Prepare basic materials to experiment with techniques and ideas
2.2 use traditional and non traditional techniques to make experimental pieces
2.3 Describe the qualities of the materials, tools and techniques used
Range of mini tasks below show evidence of traditional and non-traditional art tasks covering all of the above AOs..
3.4: Risk Assessment
1.1 / 1.2
Doodle art research and own doodle challenge
Automatic drawing / surreal art
Evaluating tasks
Surrealism, line drawing my exquisite corpse
Research into exquisite corpse
Explanation of techniques, materials, etc.
Drawing with eyes closed challenge
Action Painting
Action painting research
Formal elements
Hyper-real drawing - before and after eye drawing
Match box art task:
3.2 experimenting developing ideas further making a web
Evaluation of match box art 3.1 / 3.3
Fruit bowl art in different styles:
perspective drawing / vanishing point
Landscape brief: Research and ideas Realist
Digital art landscapes
Evaluation of landscape art
Realist landscape painting traditional
3.1 Describe visual qualities of the experimental pieces produced
, 3.2 Experiment with methods used to further develop experimental pieces,
3.3 Discuss the visual qualities of experimental pieces
Discussing techniques, tools, developing work.
final realist landscape painting
Abstract landscape research
Abstract landscape collage
Digital landscape art
3.2 Developing landscape art further - pattern landscape
3.4 List any health and safety factors and regulations
UNIT 5 Mixed Media Art
Coversheet / tutor feedback / comments / grade
Students have been set the brief to design an album cover, book cover or game / DVD cover of their choice using mixed media. best has chosen to design an album cover for McFly
Student work:
1.2 Develop ideas from primary and secondary sources
1.3 Develop ideas using appropriate visual language
Printmaking example
1.4 Present ideas for chosen mixed media work
1.5 Discuss ideas and opinions to gain feedback from others
2.1 Plan work using mixed media techniques
2.2 Produce work to a mixed media brief
1.1 identify formal elements of design
2.3 Present final work for a mixed media design brief
3.1 make suggestions to develop / improve work
1.1 Identify formal elements
1.3 develop ideas
All evident in evaluation of final work
3.1 Beth evaluating / discussing her work AFIS
3.2 Beth contributing to discussion of work(ideas and opinions)
UNIT 3: 2 dimensional art
Coversheet tutor comments/ feedback
This has now been completed
Beth has chosen the brief Dreams and Nightmares and is to create a piece of 2 D art based on this topic area
1.1 Identify and use formal elements of design
1.2 Develop ideas from primary and secondary sources
1.3 Develop ideas using appropriate visual language
Dreams: mythical creatures - dragon art using colour
Making a picture based on a set of words
Emulating Vasn Gogh's Starry Night Expressionism
Emulating Dali's Persistence of Memory (Surrealism)
Emulating Mucnh's The Scream (Expressionism)
Own ideas for dreams and nightmares:
1 Alice in Wonderland doodle
2: Perfect Dreams Beth and Hugh Jackman having a picnic on a beach
idea 3: Make a wish (blowing to candles and making a wish)
1.4 Present ideas for chosen 2D work
1.5 Discuss ideas and opinions to gain feedback from others
2.1 Plan work using 2D techniques
see witness statement as evidence below as this was completed via Teams in lockdown:
2.2 Produce work to a 2D design brief
2.3 Present final work for a 2D design brief
final piece
3.1 Make suggestions which would develop or improve work
1.1 Identify and use formal elements of design
1.5 Discuss ideas and opinions to gain feedback
All evident in evaluation
UNIT 2: Complete a final art and design project
The brief: Make a piece of Covid 19 inspired art work using whatever art and design techniques you would like.
UNIT 1 Experiment with Art and Design ideas and techniques Coversheet / tutor feedback / grade / progress Update: RA completed Work produced for unit: 3.4 Risk Assessment/ Health and Safety for types of art work completed during unit 1 1.1 / 1.2 Research into doodle artists - materials, techniques, meaning and some basic analysis Doodle challenge - drawing with pencil from imagination / memory Evaluation of doodle art work Explanation of automatic drawing task Prylla's Automatic drawing Surrealism: My Exquisite Corpse task Action painting: Jackson Pollock inspired painting task (non traditional techniques) Additional Jackson Pollock inspired action painting by Prylla Jackson Pollock artist research and review / evaluation of action painting Formal elements exercise - demonstrating different FE awareness / techniques (colour, pattern, line, shading / tone, collage / texture, shape Clay work and paint Hyper real drawing - eye before and after the exercise to show develo...
UNIT 1 UNIT WORK: Students have experimented with traditional / non traditional art and developed skills in formal elements, materials, tools, resources, techniques including printmaking, clay sculpting, painting, drawing, digital art. They have completed 2 briefs - matchbox art and landscape art (covering realism, abstract, Digital, pattern.) 1.1 Select traditional tools, materials, equipment to explore a technique or idea 1.2 Select non-traditional tools, materials, equipment to explore a technique or idea 2.1 Prepare basic materials to experiment with techniques and ideas 2.2 use traditional and non traditional techniques to make experimental pieces 2.3 Describe the qualities of the materials, tools and techniques used Range of mini tasks below show evidence of traditional and non-traditional art tasks covering all of the above AOs.. Doodle art research 100 doodle challenge by Abbi using finaliser and felt pens Evaluation of work...
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