UNIT WORK: Students have experimented with traditional / non traditional art and developed skills in formal elements, materials, tools, resources, techniques including printmaking, clay sculpting, painting, drawing, digital art. They have completed 2 briefs - matchbox art and landscape art (covering realism, abstract, Digital, pattern.)
1.1 Select traditional tools, materials, equipment to explore a technique or idea
1.2 Select non-traditional tools, materials, equipment to explore a technique or idea
2.1 Prepare basic materials to experiment with techniques and ideas
2.2 use traditional and non traditional techniques to make experimental pieces
2.3 Describe the qualities of the materials, tools and techniques used
Range of mini tasks below show evidence of traditional and non-traditional art tasks covering all of the above AOs..
Doodle art research
100 doodle challenge by Abbi using finaliser and felt pens
Evaluation of work identifying techniques, tools, materials qualities and AFI (some frustration with certain tasks as Abbi was having to draw with her non-writing hand due to an injury.)
1.1 / 1.2 / 2.3
Automatic drawing
My Exquisite Corpse
Research into surrealism / Exquisite corpse and analysis of own and how to develop it.
Clay work - making a bowl and a sculpture of the exquisite corpse
3.4 Health and safety evidence to accompany completed table in sketchbook - needs photographing for blog
Action painting
Research into Jackson Pollock, discussion of techniques used and materials / tools.
Formal elements task - colour, line, pattern, shape, texture, tone
Hyper real drawing task
Self portrait using pens
1.1 / 1.2 / 2.1 / 2.2 Autumn moodboard for matchbox art task
Plans / research for matchbox art showing excellent planning and experimenting with techniques and materials.
development of ideas for matchbox art and techniques, tools, equipment used
Evaluation addressing techniques
2.3 Describe the qualities, materials, techniques used to make the experimental pieces
Video discussing techniques
MATCHBOX HALLOWEEN ART - Mixed media artwork task combining traditional / non tradiotnal techniques (appropriate for unit 5 evidence also)
Additional abstract landscape using collage / texture non-traditional
3.3 Covering techniques, tools and materials used- basic account. Includes some feedback from others.
Developing landscape art further - pattern landscape
Printmaking work needs photographing for blog
UNIT 5: Create Art and design work using mixed media techniques
Coversheet - tutor comments / feedback
Students have been set the brief to design an album cover, book cover or game / DVD cover of their choice using mixed media.
Abbi has chosen an album cover (One Direction initially but changed to Nail Horan.)
Abbi's work for unit 5:
1.1 identify formal elements of design -
see whole planning for unit as evidence and tutor comments
1.2 Develop ideas from primary and secondary sources
Research into artists chosen for album cover and examples of mixed media artwork
1.1 identifying formal elements of design in existing mixed media work
1.3 Develop ideas using appropriate visual language
1.4 Present ideas for chosen mixed media work
1.5 1.5 Discuss ideas and opinions to gain feedback from others
video evidence
2.1 Plan work using mixed media techniques for final idea
See final piece in video below (Need to add photo of final piece to blog.)
3.1 Make suggestions to develop / improve work
Videos show:
2.2 Produce work to a mixed media design brief
2.3 present final work for mixed media design brief
3.1 make suggestions to develop / improve work
3.2 Contribute to formal discussion of ideas and opinions
first video shows Abbi making contributions to the work of others, discussing techniques and materials before realising it isn't her final piece that she's discussing. See below for correct discussion of own work.
Camera is upside down! I didn't realise before uploading!! Sorry.
Final piece can be seen here:
Unit 3 Art and design work using 2 dimensional techniques
completed at home in lockdown using Teams
Coversheet: comments / grade / feedback
1.1 Identify and use formal elements of design evident in ideas and emulations of existing art to develop skills
1.2 Develop ideas from primary and secondary research. Initial moodboard of dreams and nightmares
Created during online studies of art work fitting dreams and nightmares theme - look at artist work and then try to emulate it
expressionism task - emulate Van Gogh Starry Night
Surrealism task: Emulate Dali's The Persistence of Memory
Emulate Munch'sThe Scream Expressionism art
Own artists research needs to be completed in sketchbook
1.3 Develop ideas using appropriate visual language
A drawing created from a list of words / instructions
Comic strip dream featuring The Rock and Abbi
Perfect Dream: Nial Horan, Minecraft, Mario World
Nightmare scenario
1.4 Present ideas for chosen 2-D work
1.5 Discuss ideas and opinions to gain feedback from others
2.1 plan work using 2-D techniques
Witness statement explaining how these have been achieved:
2.2 Produce work to a 2-D design brief
2.3 Present final work for a 2 D final design brief
Development of final piece - in sketchbook due to lockdown (if time Abbi can develop this)
3.1 Make suggestions which would develop / improve work
3.2 Contribute to formal discussions of ideas and opinions
UNIT 1 Experiment with Art and Design ideas and techniques Coversheet / tutor feedback / grade / progress Update: RA completed Work produced for unit: 3.4 Risk Assessment/ Health and Safety for types of art work completed during unit 1 1.1 / 1.2 Research into doodle artists - materials, techniques, meaning and some basic analysis Doodle challenge - drawing with pencil from imagination / memory Evaluation of doodle art work Explanation of automatic drawing task Prylla's Automatic drawing Surrealism: My Exquisite Corpse task Action painting: Jackson Pollock inspired painting task (non traditional techniques) Additional Jackson Pollock inspired action painting by Prylla Jackson Pollock artist research and review / evaluation of action painting Formal elements exercise - demonstrating different FE awareness / techniques (colour, pattern, line, shading / tone, collage / texture, shape Clay work and paint Hyper real drawing - eye before and after the exercise to show develo...
UNIT 1 Experiment with art and design ideas and techniques Unit 1 evidence of work UNIT WORK: Students have experimented with traditional / non traditional art and developed skills in formal elements, materials, tools, resources, techniques including printmaking, clay sculpting, painting, drawing, digital art. They have completed 2 briefs - matchbox art and landscape art (covering realism, abstract, Digital, pattern.) 1.1 Select traditional tools, materials, equipment to explore a technique or idea 1.2 Select non-traditional tools, materials, equipment to explore a technique or idea 2.1 Prepare basic materials to experiment with techniques and ideas 2.2 use traditional and non traditional techniques to make experimental pieces 2.3 Describe the qualities of the materials, tools and techniques used Range of mini tasks below show evidence of traditional and non-traditional art tasks covering all of the above AOs.. 3.4: Risk Asse...
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