UNIT 1 Experiment with Art and Design ideas and techniques

Coversheet / tutor feedback / grade / progress

Update: RA completed

Work produced for unit:

3.4  Risk Assessment/ Health and Safety for types of art work completed during unit 1
1.1 / 1.2 Research into doodle artists - materials, techniques, meaning and some basic analysis

Doodle challenge - drawing with pencil from imagination / memory

Evaluation of doodle art work

Explanation of automatic drawing task

Prylla's Automatic drawing

Surrealism: My Exquisite Corpse task

Action painting: Jackson Pollock inspired painting task (non traditional techniques)

Additional Jackson Pollock inspired action painting by Prylla

Jackson Pollock artist research and review / evaluation of action painting

Formal elements exercise - demonstrating different FE awareness / techniques (colour, pattern, line, shading / tone, collage / texture, shape

Clay work and paint

Hyper real drawing - eye before and after the exercise to show development of skills

Mixed media task (used as test for unit 5 as well as unit 1 experimental work.)

Moodboard / mind map of ideas

Planning ideas for designs
Research to inspire drawing choices - pencil drawing, lines

Lines, colours, patterns

Materials - pencil, chalk, pastel

Experimenting with colours

Final work - paint, pencil, fineliner, also includes some sculpting of clay spider inside
xperimenting with traditional and non traditional techniques for matchbox autumn work
Evaluation of work exploring techniques, tools and some simple analysis.

UNIT 1 Landscape task

Research and realist painting planning / tests

working on final piece
Developed into A1 final piece using pastels

Some reflection of landscape art work

pattern plans for pattern based landscape
Pattern landscape art

Digital art landscape

Abstract landscape using paint and fine liner pen

Evaluation of abstract landscape but focus is not on piece produced as final. 

Evaluation of realist art landscape including reflection / AFI, feedback and techniques and materials as well as planning and research.

UNIT 5 - Mixed Media

Not yet completed - final piece needs text

Brief: Design a new cover for your favourite book, album or DVD using mixed media.

Examples of mixed media art research

Chosen topic research including mixed media designs

idea 1: collage - glitter, pastel, felt, tissue paper, pencil

idea 2: paint, glitter

idea 3: Paint (acrylic and water colour), fine liner

1.4 Present ideas for chosen mixed media work 

1.5 1.5 Discuss ideas and opinions to gain feedback from others

Idea developed into final piece using feedback.  Further drawings - castle and cinderella (pen, pencil, glitter, photography, paint)

Prylla video discussion with Abbi and Beth and tutor Rachel, LSA Alex.  

 including feedback to others and own work discussed.  Following feedback Prylla has improved her work using above drawings - see final piece (photo needed). 

 Unit 03 Create art and design work using 2-dimensional techniques (L/505/2976)

Needs coversheet / development

Completed in lockdown at home unable to access teams.  phyla has complete work following assignment sheet and her mum has been guiding her.  There has been some confusion with the task but there is evidence of 2 D art completed which I think warrants a pass.

TASK: Pick a topic and devise a piece of art work  inspired by research and ideas into topic.

Prylla hasn't fully grasped the brief but has created work based on her 2 D art research

Shapes created following research into what makes 2 D art

Inspired by Pollock - painting shapes

techniques by artists researched

Grandma's house artwork using paint and shapes and colour - 2 D
Research explaining where idea has come from - artist influence

triptych art using shapes, paint and silhouette technique

Further idea using same technique
Evaluates grandma's house art although I feel the triptych is more original and shows further development of 2 D art work.

Some repetition is work produced in sketchbook but clear evidence of research into 2 D art, artists work and own ideas - some reflection and feedback considered.  Some spelling errors but meaning is clear.


UNIT 2 Complete a final art and design project

Currently being produced - Covid 19 inspired art work

mood boar dof covid 19 themes

phyla described herself as being like Sleeping Beauty during lockdown which has inspired her idea

Test drawing - Sleeping Beauty asleep in Covid times 

Prince Charming

idea 1 is for a room to be created made of collage items - depicting Sleeping Beauty and Prince Charming in a mask socially distanced from her so she can't wake up.

Idea 2: Prylla's favourite celebrity Rhianna - in Umbrella video protected from covid by the umbrella (3-D art in a box with hanging pieces, back drops and cut out figure of hand drawn and painted Rhianna,)


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