UNIT 1 Experiment with Art & Design Ideas and Techniques

Coversheet / feedback / tutor comments / Progress made

Unit 1 work:

3.4 List any applicable health and safety factors and regulations

Some evidence of risk assessment - to be developed

Incomplete due to late start on course (Started after first half term)

1.1 Select traditional materials, tools and equipment to explore a technique or idea

Doodle challenge - fine liner drawing from imagination / memory

1.2 Select non-traditional materials, tools and equipment to explore a technique or idea

Photoshop - non traditional art 
Pixel art - computer game characters

Left Kasha's work / right image they are copying
Left Kasha's work / right image they are copying

2.1 Prepare basic materials to experiment with techniques and ideas

2.2 Use traditional and non-traditional techniques to make experimental pieces

3.1 Describe visual qualities of the experimental pieces produced

3.2 Experiment with methods used to further develop experimental pieces

3.3 Discuss the visual qualities of the experimental pieces

Landscape art brief
research of anime landscape (realism style)

Additional evidence of 1.1 Select traditional materials, tools and equipment to explore a technique or idea

own drawing of landscape (Lightbox used to draw outlines, detail added by kasha and colours)

Abstract landscape research

1.2 Select non-traditional materials, tools and equipment to explore a technique or idea

own abstract idea using cut out paper

2.3 Describe the qualities of the materials, tools and techniques used to make the experimental

1.1 Select traditional materials, tools and equipment to explore a technique or idea
Formal elements - making characters using line, shading, colour
Tools - coloured pencils, pencil, rubber

Tutor REH

Additional needs means that Kasha finds it difficult to comply with requests and won't produce work that takes them out of their comfort zone which has proved incredibly challenging, however it is highly evident of the creative talents they possess and the evidence we have managed to secure meets the criteria for unit 1 as far as I am concerned. See coversheet

UNIT 5 Create Art & Design Work Using Mixed Media Techniques


Witness statement: Produced showing how evidence has been collected or supporting evidenc efor assessment objecitves.

Mixed Media art - Brief to design cover of favourite DVD, album or book

Kasha has chosen the anime Fairy Tail to design a cover.

1.1 Identify and use formal elements of design 

1.2 Develop ideas from primary and secondary sources

1.2 secondary research collected anime art and mixed media examples
1.1 see witness statement and evaluation for discussion / analysis of mixed media and formal elements of design 

Mixed media anime examples:

Primary research - layout choices developing ideas using primary and secondary sources

1.2 Develop ideas from primary and secondary sources

idea 1: pencil sketch with intention of adding pen or digital colouring

idea 2

idea 3

1.3 Develop ideas using appropriate visual language  

1.4 Present ideas for chosen mixed media work 

1.5 Discuss ideas and opinions to gain feedback from others 

See witness statement above for evidence of these assessment objectives

Discussion of work with tutor and LSA,  Kasha has severe anxiety and won't speak to other students.  They have built up trust with their teachers and has been able to explain ideas in detail and choose a piece to turn into a final design,  idea 2 chosen with colour to be added and additional details (dragon).

2.1 Plan work using mixed media techniques 

2.2 Produce work to a mixed media design brief 

2.3 Present final work for a mixed media design brief 

final idea completed during lockdown and added to when returned to college so unable to digitally enhance work due to lack of time.  

Mixed media use: pencil crayons, graphite, felt pen and fine liner
Copy of artwork included red foil and gold paint additional mixed media 

2.4 Identify risks and hazards in the work area

Some basic appreciation of risks for possible places of work for this unit and how to overcome them. 

3.1 Make suggestions to develop or improve work 


3.2 Contribute to a discussion of ideas and opinions

See witness statement above



  • Produced during lockdown and completed on return to meet all AOs. 
  • Work produced for this unit demonstrates ability to work with mixed media and review  / reflect on own work and make contributions to a small group (Tutor / student) about the work completed and ideas and skills demonstrated. 
  • The art work itself is excellent, highly detailed and delicately shaded using pencil crayon
  • An additional piece with added foil and paint was done as a secondary piece of evidence to show mixed media but in our discussion Kasha was confident that the first piece was the preferred one due to it being more subtle and similar to anime style. 

UNIT 2 Complete a final Art and Design Project

Brief: Produce a Covid 19 inspired piece of art work

1.1 Develop ideas from primary and secondary sources using appropriate visual language

1.2 Communicate ideas to others

mood board on covid related themes and art ideas

inspiration for 2 ideas

idea 1 - Anime character called Corona with stay safe message

2.1 Plan final work in response to the project brief

2.2 Use appropriate visual language to communicate ideas within the final piece of work

2.3 Produce a final piece of work in response to the project brief

2.4 Present final work to others

following feedback Kasha added colour to the work

idea 2: Kasha described lockdown as living their best life, feeling both safe and comfortable at home. 
Sketch created showing themself as a character doing what they enjoy in lockdown 

Following feedback with teacher and one other student that Kasha was willing to listen to, the choice was made to develop the non anime artwork - Kasha recognised this was out of their comfort zone and it is a first for me to see this!  
Altered details - stomach, becoming part of furniture, hidden covid related items

3.1 Make suggestions to develop or improve work

3.2 Respond appropriately to other’s point of view about own work

3.2:  Responds to feedback appropriately.

Discussion during feedback to add colour which Kasha did but did not like as much and so went with original pencil drawing as final piece.

Questionnaire produced for feedback
Completed by 2 people

3.1   Evidence in evaluation

Evaluation completed - scribed by R Horner - Due to reluctance to do this I asked Kasha questions and wrote up the answers and then once ideas were recorded they developed parts as appropriate, we discussed cartoons that the work was like and Kasha engaged in lively discussion about the Giles cartoon drawings seeing great similarities to own work and included this in the evaluation. 

Tutor REH
  • This project was started in lockdown and restricted access to internet made research and Teams sessions very difficult.  However, there is evidence here to show how Kasha has produced a piece of very personal Covid 19 inspired art work - as per the brief and has responded and contributed to feedback sessions via chat in Teams which suits them much more. 
  • The final work is produced effectively, adjustments tried and then rejected - the evaluation links to research produced in hindsight ( artist links) and feedback.

UNIT 3 Unit 03 Create art and design work using 2-dimensional techniques (L/505/2976)

Coversheet: Tutor feedback, comments and final grade

1.1 Identify and use formal elements of design

1.2 Develop ideas from primary and secondary sources

Dreams and nightmares chosen as topic - apologies for being upside down!

Research needed

1.3 Develop ideas using appropriate visual language

1.4 Present ideas for chosen 2D work

idea 1:  Recurring Nightmare

Idea 2: Identity

1.5 Discuss ideas and opinions to gain feedback from others

2.1 Plan work using 2D techniques

2.2 Produce work to a 2D design brief

2.3 Present final work for a 2D design brief

2.4 Identify risks and hazards in the work area


3.1 Make suggestions which would develop or improve work

3.2 Contribute to formal discussions of ideas and opinions

3.2 see coversheet comments

Tutor REH
  • The research and planning's led to a superb final piece that is highly detailed and demonstrates excellent 2-D drawing / art skills.
  • You have discussed your ideas confidently with me and reiterated some of it in the evaluation
  • I am satisfied that all AOs have been achieved. 


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