
Showing posts from April, 2021

Rosie Welburn

 UNIT 1  Coversheet feedback, final grade and comments PASS 1.1 Select traditional materials, tools and equipment to explore a technique or idea   1.2 Select non-traditional materials, tools and equipment to explore a technique or idea   1.3 Record initial ideas on the potential use of traditional and non-traditional materials, tools and equipment   Children's storybook illustration task  Non traditional - Origami printmaking Mixed media (unit 1 trad / non trad but also included in unit 5 evidence mixed media to support second mixed media piece.) researched examples of autumn and halloween matchbox art    Plans for own ideas ands final piece  2.1 Prepare basic materials to experiment with techniques and ideas 2.2 Use traditional and non-traditional techniques to make experimental pieces 2.3 Describe the qualities of the materials, tools and tech...